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Dear Karen, Marley had his first visit to his new doctor and got as expected an A+, no worms either. He has already won our hearts, it is as if we have always had him. He is doing extremely well with potty training. Jimmy and I laugh and keep saying he is so smart. We are like new parents. I want to thank you so much for this very loving dog. He has given us great joy, my granddaughter who was afraid of dogs is in love with him and he with her. I will keep in touch and let you know how he is doing and will attach pictures so you can see how he is growing. Again thank you so much!
Just wanted to give you a 5 month old update. Bailey is quite the character. He is happy, healthy and extremely spoiled not in that particular order. He has been going to training school on Saturdays and he is extremely smart. He was invited to be evaluated as a Canine Good Citizen. He was by far the youngest one in the class and passed every evaluation. The evaluator said that he could have passed the therapy dog evaluation too but that will be next. We are very happy that we saw him on the internet and that he is in the family. He has been to Virginia to visit our son and his family and next weekend we will be going to Charleston, SC for my grandsons Lax tournament. Our entire family is into Lacrosse and Bailey is a favorite at the games. He goes to the groomer again on Thursday so that he looks good for the trip. He is scheduled to be neutered in July. That is the latest news on Bailey.
Carl & Cheli
Hi Karen
Aydee Grace is the best little girl, she is sleeping with us now, crate has been completely put away, she owns the house, I couldn't have found a more perfect baby.
Hey Karen,
I just wanted to give you an update on the puppy we bought from you. We named him Zuko and he is doing great! Vet check was excellent. He is super smart and very clean. We love him to pieces! He is a happy bouncy boy!
Thank you for breeding such a good puppy! N.M.
Hi Karen! I wanted to send a quick email update about little Lincoln! He has adjusted so nicely! He mostly goes potty outside and we've settled into a nice routine. The vet visit went great.
Alright, take care
Hi Karen.
I hope you are doing well. I Just wanted to send you an update on Mason. He is doing great. Such a joy and always ready to love. He is waiting on me when I get off work. He is a mess. He loves playing with his best friend, a 3yr old yorkie half his size. They are funny together, they play hard then crash. Thank you again.
Guess you know that you gave us the best Shih Tzu ever! The three of us had a great bonding experience on the trip home yesterday. Sassy peddled outside, drank from water bowel, ate in the car & no crying. Not one person that has seen her passed her without stopping to ask about her and admire her. She is a sponge for learning. Truly amazing. My husband has an extensive history with dogs and he is amazed at her intelligence and loving personality. We are truly blessed having her in our lives.
Thank you,
Patti & Jamie
JUST catching my breath and opening the computer... phew!! it has been hilarious.  first of all, this baby is a living doll.  we are SO in love with her, and I said to Richard last night, "I hope that Karen & Dennis are not missing her too much..."  I almost feel like I stole her away from you, because she is a MOST UNUSUAL dog.  she is SO smart and SO agreeable.  just a bucket of pure love.  she is a total gift to our household.  thanks again so much for letting us have her, and for making such a wonderful puppy.                 Carrick
Hope all is well down south. The boys are fine,Stitch is way too smart for his own good. Sully is our good dog and our little Teddy Bear. Wish I could have more........
These guys are so lovable. Take care..........Mary B.
Richard asked that I send you an update on Meeko. What a wonderful week and a half this has been for the three of us. Richard surprised me with her on Valentine's day at work and ever since, we have been attached to one another. She has brightened our home in so many ways. She is sleeping throughout the night and is 95% potty trained. She is healthy and doing wonderfully.
Her 1st vet appt. was on the 15th and she did wonderful! She had her first grooming on Friday and again, she was calm and I believed she enjoyed it.
She is great with people and very obedient.
Thank you so much for allowing her into our home. We love her so much. Take care, Tasha
Hi Karen!
Update on Chloe she is the sweetest dog we have ever had! My shih tzu in college was sweet but kind of moody not our Chloe!!! She likes to use my tennis shoes as her pillows..... Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas! :) Tracy
Are all your puppies this loving? All Paris wants to do is to kiss everyone! Family friends neighbors strangers ! Even the garbage men stop their trucks to talk to her. She poses for each car or truck ! I love her so and so does Coco Chanel! She could be a therapy dog ! Happy Thanksgiving
Hi Karen!
Well we finally made it to Trussville at 7:00! I know Chloe was exhausted but she was the perfect passenger! :) She did real good last night and is getting settled into her new home. My husband was so excited to meet her! She did cry when she got put in her crate for bedtime but it was only for about 30 minutes. We already love her so!!!
Thank you! :)
I just wanted to let you know that Gromit is doing great and the girls are just loving him. He is a favorite of all the neighborhood kids as well. He is catching on with house training. Thank you for the wonderful puppy.
Vet checked out great. She has been wonderful. No crying good with training and zack and she are working out great no problems. Zack is a little jealous thank you she is a real love and so good. Kathy
Hi Karen!
Rosy is doing so well with everything. She sleeps through the night, has taken to puppy pads very well even with pooping, most of the time. We could not be happier! We took her to the vet on Tuesday The vet had to take her to the back to show her to all the doctors! And of all things, the vet’s middle name is Rose. She was so tickled. Rosy got her 2nd vaccine, nasal Kennel Cough and the deworm medication although she had no worms. The vet told us as, you did, to avoid other dogs until she is total immunized. We have another appointment November 19. She puts on a show for everyone who meets her, has sooooooooooooooo much energy and is sooooooooo intelligent. We have taken tons of pictures and videos. She does the cutest things and keeps us in stiches!
I can not thank you enough for letting us adopt her. She is definitely the light of our lives at this time. She is a joy to wake up to each morning.
With warmest regards and love
I just wanted to drop you a quick note with an update on the adorable little black girl we got from. Our daughter Jennifer got her to take with her back to Cincinnati. They left yesterday and I am missing that baby terribly. Jennifer named her Suki and she has adjusted EXTREMELY well. We took her for a vet visit on Tues. and all is well. We also had her microchipped. She was sleeping in a crate and trained to go potty on the pee pad. Only 2 accidents the whole week. She was seeking out the pee pad on her own, eating like a little piggy all three meals, drinking from her water bottle and of course, play, play and more play! She was even climbing steps (much to our dismay). She loved our 3yr. old cockapoo and they played together very well. Our cockapoo seemed to know that Suki was a baby and was very gentle with her. We love her personality and she is just so sweet and lovable. She is very smart and when she sees or hears Jennifer she lights up with excitement and runs to her. Suki knows her name and comes when we call for her. Jennifer called me this morning to update that she slept the entire night last night in her crate with no potty breaks, woke up at 7:15am, went on the pee pad, ate her breakfast then wore herself out again playing until nap time. We couldn't be happier that we found you and your puppies. You did such a wonderful job with your breeding and socializing the babies until they were ready for their new forever homes. We are very grateful that we have this new little bundle of joy in our lives.
p.s. My husband almost didn't let her go as he really fell for her too.
Brenda and Jennifer
Thanks for raising such a cute, handsome, healthy puppy. We went to the vet he got checked, and microchipped. We named him Oliver. So far he loves being in our home.he loves the cat and my other dog already. Very playful and love his crate sooooo much. ( I'm very surprised) he is spoiled already.
Thanks again. C.P. (
Hi Karen,
I had to follow up again with you with our update on Ramsey. He is the sweetest little baby boy and is so happy and loving I can’t begin to tell you. He is doing so well and his big brother Payson has become his best friend. You have given us another sweet Shih Tzu and we thank you! I am attaching some sweet pictures which were better in person of course but I know you will enjoy them.
Patti, Tom, Payson & Ramsey
Hi Karen,
I just wanted to give you a long overdue update on the gorgeous little puppy I purchased from you in February. His name is Valentino and he was your last one from that litter. He is the best puppy I could have ever imagined having! He is so smart, so beautiful and the most wonderful companion. We had a rocky start (my husband was in a car accident a few days after purchasing him) but those days are far behind us. He is an absolute joy!
Thank you for breeding such an outstanding dog!! l. g.
Priss is doing fantastic. She went to the vet 2 days after we picked her up to get her check up as well as shots. She didnt even whine when they injected her which surprised everyone. They said shes in perfect health and commented on how adorable she is. In a week or so she'll be going back to the vet for a couple more of her shots. At first our other dog, Oscar, was polite to her but kept his distance. That only lasted four about 3 days though and now they run through the house playing whenever they get the chance. I think they'll be inseparable in a few months. She's almost house broken but we have to make sure we watch her every move so that we get her outside frequently enough. I think in a few more weeks we won't even have to worry about it. She seems to prefer going outside if she gets the chance thankfully. Thanks again for helping us find another great Shih Tzu! We'll keep you updated on her progress and send some pictures as she grows up.
update: Shes doing great and continuing to get her shots. Shes completely house trained and VERY smart! She knows all sorts of commands now like come, sit, down and outside. We'll keep you updated with more photos every now and then to show you how shes doing.
Take care and I hope everything is well with you!
-Aaron and Karina
Hi Karen; hope you and yours are well. We are doing great, staying cool! We are planning a trip to Gaitlinburg in October, taking the pups with us. This will be their second road trip to the Mountains. Just wanted to drop a note to say "what a cutie" you have on the website. Wish we could bring him home here with us, too. I'm workin' Kevin! It's hard to believe that our "baby" girl will be 2 years old. She is still a sweetie, very cuddly, loving, smart and kissie! She has certainly been a lot of fun and brought joy to us and Harley. They get along fabulously, and everyone at the Animal Hospital/Groomer's just ooh and ah over her. Well, thanks again for raising/breeding such sweet babies. Take care, and enjoy your day.
Denise, Kevin, Harley and Hannah :-)
Just want to let you know Bucca (sister) is doing great. I named her Zambucca after an Italian liquor,because of course she is Asian. Made sense at the time. She is alot bigger than her sister Novella, but she was bigger as a pup too. Not to worry she is very healthy and not over weight according to her vet. She loves being outside no matter what the weather. The bigger dogs on the island taught her how to hunt chipmunks. A shih tzus that hunts? That's my Bucca. I just want to thank you for such a wonderful gift. She is the best part of my day. Trish
The baby is doing just wonderfully. He is so sweet. He has done very well drinking from a bowl and wow, what an appetite!
He has brought so much joy to our family.
Thank you!!
Hi Karen,
Just want to let you know that the vet's visit went very well. Kipper is in perfect condition and no worms. He went potty outside once and no accidents. It has been a big day for him and he did really well. Now he is exhausted - sleeping soundly in his crate. My kids are very excited to have him and he likes to play with them a lot, especially chasing after them. I will send you some pictures in the near future to keep you posted about how he is doing. Thank you for breeding such a sweet, beautiful baby.
Take care,
Cooper is doing beautifully! He has been sleeping on his mat at night outside of the crate..If he wakes up, he goes to the paper then back to sleep. Almost trained during the day! Something special about your dogs...that's for sure!!!!
Ruth Ann
Just want you to know that I have a very well adjusted little pup! He has acclimated beautifully....with pee and poop on the wee-wee pads as well as outside; He loves his crate, blankey and stuffed toys. He slept through the night without a whimper!!!! On the other hand, Bogart has some adjusting to do... as expected.!!
He's a very content little guy and attached to me, so it was a meant-to be pick. Thanks for your patience and super care raising the pups!
Best regards,
Ruth Ann
Just wanted to say THANK YOU sooo much we love our new baby. We named him Chubaca (star wars) lol he is doing very well he slept all night without a peep and he has eaten each meal. He doesn’t seem to be upset… Pedro our other dog, is handling it well too we are taking it very slow and don’t leave them alone at all. We will send pictures soon. Thanks again!Diane
Hello Karen,
This is Tiffany A. I purchased my precious little boy Gucci from you last July! He is almost 9 months and has been a joy to our family! I have meant to send you some pics but have failed to actually do it. He is so funny and is FULL of personality. My parents say he is like a 'real' child! LOL! We love him so much and he is so smart! Gucci has truly become a part of the family. Sometimes he stays with me in Atlanta and othertimes he visits Fayetteville and stays with my parents and my aunt. This posh pup is well taken care of and has a blast! Thanks for breeding quality pups with awesome temperment and great personality! Tiffany
Karen and Dennis--We thought you would like to see your sweet little Milli with her sister, Betsie, on their visit to Santa Claus. They put in their requests which will surely be granted for they have been very good girls this year.
We hope you are all doing well. We are grateful for your careful breeding which produced our precious girl, Milli. She has the most wonderful disposition and loves children and other animals--including cats. She is fantastic with our grandchildren and many children in our neighborhood. Another thing--she has the softest fur of any of the previous three shih-tzus we have had as well as of many others we know--she feels like a rabbit!! So cuddly!
All the best for a very Merry Christmas!
Nancy and Mike W.
Hi Karen,
Just wanted to let you know that we took Asia to the Vet. Everything checks out good. She is a healthy puppy. Everyone at the Vet's office thought she was adorable. The one lady asked for your card because she thought Asia was such a good looking and good natured puppy. We made it through last night without any problems. Asia whined for a
few minutes but was soon fast asleep and snoring.
I will send you pictures.
Thanks Again,
Hey Karen,
Ginger is such a joy--we love her so much! She was so easy to train and she stays out of the crate all day and doesn't bother anything--we have never had such a well mannered dog!! Everyone that sees her falls in love. Thank you so much for allowing us the opportunity to have this wonderful addition to our family! Ann
Hi Karen and Dennis!
Sorry it has taken us so long to update you on our beautiful puppy from the Cash/Gabby litter! As you know we named her Rain and she is the absolute best and most beautiful puppy ever! She is about 12 weeks old now and is pretty much potty trained! We have had hardly any potty accidents with her since the moment we got her home! She is very smart and knows how to sit, lay, come, stay and walk with a leash! She also does fabulous when I take her to work with me and groom her! She is very loving but also very much loves to play! Our vet is very impressed with her as well and has said that she has big beautiful, round eyes, great body structure, moves very well, wonderful coloring, has a perfect jaw and bite, and a wonderful, cooperative disposition. She loves to give kisses and of course be right at our side! We just love her so much and our so happy to have her in our lives. Thank you so much for raising such beautiful Shih Tzu's and for selling us our wonderful Rain!
Nicole & Tommy M.
Hi Karen,
How are you? I guess you thought that I had forgotten about you, but I think about you every time I look at my precious Romeo!! He is so wonderful and we all love him so much -- especially ME!! He loves me too. He follows me every step I take. I can't even go to the bathroom by myself, but I love it!! He has brought so much joy to our lives and makes us smile constantly. Thank you so much for allowing him to be a part of our family. He is so smart. He learned to sit, shake and speak (and he loves to speak) in mid July. He is house trained and will even go toward the front door when he has to go potty. I ask him does he want to go outside and potty and he barks and runs for the door. He had his "surgery" so he can't father babies on August 13 and I held him all night so he could sleep. We also had his umbilical cord hernia removed. He was such a trooper and for the most part did not bother his stitches. Both have healed well. I have attached a few pictures for you to enjoy. Everyone loves how he drinks out of the gerbil bottle. In one of the pictures you will see that we bought a water bottle holder and attached it to the kitchen wall so he can drink when he wants.
Take care!! D. Williams
JUST catching my breath and opening the computer... phew!! it has been hilarious. first of all, this baby is a living doll. we are SO in love with her, and I said to Richard last night, "I hope that Karen & Dennis are not missing her too much..." I almost feel like I stole her away from you, because she is a MOST UNUSUAL dog. she is SO smart and SO agreeable. just a bucket of pure love. she is a total gift to our household. thanks again so much for letting us have her, and for making such a wonderful puppy. Carrick
Hi Karen:
Teddy had a perfect exam with Dr. Bristol on Tuesday. He had gained weight, eating very well and sleeping through the night. We couldn't ask for a better boy! Thank you again!   CM 6/2018
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